The Mandalorian Sands of Arvala

Team Structure

The team is formed by 24 people who had different responsibilities during the production. We are 1 Producer, 7 designers, 7 artists, and 9 programmers:


The figure of the Producer was the one in charge of the management of the project. His responsibility was keeping track that the project went towards the intentioned direction by taking the appropiate decisions, making sure we were achieving the different goals for each milestone, and helping with the communication of the different elements of the team.


The team was distributed in three different departments: Design, Programming, and Art. Each department had a Lead in charge of the distribution and management of the department's tasks as well as helping their teammates with any complications they might have found. The communication among different departments went through Management meetings with the Department Leads and the Producer, and through Scrum Meetings.


Scrum methodology

We developed this project using the Scrum methodology which is more focused on short & structured sprints. The initial stage of the project was done by departments and once the project started getting on track we split into scrum teams for each of those sprints, which were formed by members of different departments that were working on the same aspect of the game.


Weekly goals
Schedule to review the state of the task's progress and quality to make sure the development phase is advancing properly.

Producer & Leads meetings
Took place at least once a week or whenever it was needed. Their purpose was to facilitate the communication among departments and to speed up decision-making processes. These meetings were called by the producer and followed a previously sent organization in order to remain in topic and be as effective as possible. They also served as evaluation meetings were we individually analysed the work of our teammates to improve upon next milestones.

Weekly sessions
Scheduled every week on Tuesdays at 8:30 and Thursdays at 10:45, all of the team gathered to share the major advances of the week, take group decisions, and comment any aspect of the project that needed to. After that, we did stand ups with every scrum team, where they shared their progress and solved any issues they might have.

Daily communication
Meeting twice a week wasn't enough for obvious reasns, that is why we kept constant communication through our discord server where every department and scrum team had a separate category to communicate without bothering others and keeping everything well-organized. We also used it for any extraordinary meetings that departments or scrum teams needed, and to stay connected while working.


We separated the production in 8 major milestones that set different objectives and were formed by two sprints. The first stage of the project (Concept Discovery + Vertical Slice) was exploring the game concept, creating content, and developing the technology to implement it. The second stage (Alpha + Beta) focused on expanding all of the content and finishing all of the technology needed for the implementation in the engine. Finally, the third and last stage (Gold) focused on wrapping everything up, testing, and polish.

Concept Discovery

  • Develop the Production Plan
  • Explore references and the game concept
  • Define the game pillars & artistic direction
  • Start preparing the Game Engine
  • Vertical Slice 1

  • Expand the initial GDD
  • Draw the main element's concept art
  • Engine Systems implementation
  • Vertical Slice 1.5

  • Base gameplay elements
  • Main character art & basic actions with HUD
  • First blockouts and environment art
  • Enemies and sidekick first iteration
  • Vertical Slice 2

  • Functional game loop
  • 1st and 2nd level blockouts
  • 1st level environment art
  • Enemies implementation
  • Alpha 1

  • Polish existing elements and add 2nd level
  • Final iteration first level art
  • Polish enemies and combat
  • Debug Tools
  • Alpha 2

  • Polish gameplay
  • 1 Level with 2 sections and narrative
  • New enemies and bosses
  • UI final implementation
  • Beta

  • General polish
  • Iterate gameplay and blockouts
  • Final environments and hub
  • Torso-legs separation and pathfinding
  • Gold

  • Bug fixing, webpage and trailer
  • Balancing and testing
  • Final music and effects
  • Aiming, sidekick, UI optimization
  • MOCAP session

    We had the incredible opportunity of teaming up with Smilegate Barcelona for a MOCAP recording session. We also had the chance of directing Alejandro, a professional actor, and supporting him on his recreation of our main character's different animations.

    Change Weapon
    Open Chest